Sunday, 23 August 2015

the what i wore project - week 34

guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what - i have made my first melbourne fashion purchases. it was out of necessity cause the high rotation is starting to wear thin.  they were practical pieces and they were all black - how did that happen - does that mean i am now turning to the dark side??? i don't think so, but i have added some basics to the mix to see me through this bag lady period.
speaking of bags, i was also in need of one.  sure i have plenty in my storage, which is now spread between brissy and melbourne, but i don't have one like this, that i can throw over my shoulder with my tripod in, which is going to be necessary given that i have booked my first walking photography class. i'm in love with it. it has a laptop space, a couple of easy access pockets, it's easy to do up, sits comfy over the shoulders,the colours are brilliant and it can hold two bottles of wine.
these pieces did come into play this week and here's a snapshot of all my looks.
and of course, i did my best not to get sucked into the throngs of black that i see wherever i walk.

i am also finding it quite fun to find places to take my pic - there is so many good spots.  and sure people stare, but really who gives a fuck.  on the weekend it is far more exciting though, cause i can just mosey on around till i find a spot that i think will work. even this afternoon i found a hot pink building nearby and guess what, it's likely to feature some time soon.

so how did the week pan out.
monday i wore boots by jo mercer, jumper and puffer vest from uniqlo and tree tube skirt from huudaverti.  i am 46 floors up - it is amazing.
tuesday i wore the same outfit that i wore on my day trip to melbourne. jumper with sparkles from harris scarfe, boots from jo mercer, skirt and belt made by me. i posed by a statue in the foyer from australian sculptor Bronwyn Oliver. it is quite an amazing piece, but sadly she ended her life some months after completing the piece.
wednesday i wore one of my new pieces. so, the boots are my usual suspects, jumper is from uniqlo, scarf from trade secret, fur vest from suzanne grae (there's such a thing as fursday apparently) and my new addition is a vinyl skirt from target in the city.  it has a number of panels on the front to make it kind of quirky, so not wanting to wear it how it was meant to be worn, i spun it around so the split was up the front. it can swing either way, but it just felt that little more sassy. i posed out the front of my apartment building.
thursday i wore not enough clothes to keep me warm.  my god the wind was unbelievable and cold and my poor tripod kept hitting the ground everytime there was a gust.  CHECK OUT MY HAIR - isn't it hilarious..... i was sporting woollen pants (not enough wool i say) from sportscraft, my new additions of a frilled top from seed and mens black leather shoes from tarocash.  i've said it before and i'll say it again - men's shoes are the bomb. i also threw a little love in there and that necklace came from target.  you can read all about the windy adventures here.  i braved the ususally calm terrace for this one.
on friday i wore the reverse of what i see all the time.  ususally i see denim jeans teamed with a velvet jacket, but today i swapped it out and who knows - next week, i might do the expected - denim jeans and velvet jacket.   the velvet jeans are from sportscraft, the denim jacket is from best and less (i hear the gasps) the shoes are the ones i wore the day before - they are super comfy and my top is from huudaverti, 2013.  the building where i am staying has some amazing art and this is near the lifts, so i hustled and got a pic, before the lift doors opened.
saturday i wore a taste of spring.... it was much warmer and after perusing the rentals i eventually headed to the city for some coffee and food.  i did borrow a bike again from work and took a pic at southbank as well, but this one is at the amazing church near federation square.  the doors suckered me in - aren't they amazing.  i complemented the doors with my target jeans, diadora sneakers, black t from kmart, knitted thingy from sussan and my new bag by rains. its is seriously hi viz and my necklace - well i thought it came from india, but i am thinking it's an oppy job. it pre-dates the trip.
sunday i wore a leg bearing ensemble.  it was warm, i went for a bike ride, i just threw everything on and pedalled my way to the city.  shoes are from gola, dress is made by me and hitched up with safety pins, the vest is from lee (which i sequined myself) the scarf is from trade secret, the black top is going in the bin as soon as winter is over (it shits me as it has lost is chutzpah, given it is so old) and the bag is from rains, purchased in a laneway store in melbourne, which has since shut down. i took this somewhere in southbank, down a dead end - don't ask me where, but i could take you there if push came to shove.

so i am pretty happy with this weeks looks and i know, it's still on high rotation, but that's what slow fashion is all about - wearing it over and over again and finding new ways to reinvent - until it's time to retire the pieces that aren't doing what they are supposed to anymore and even then, maybe there is a way to reinvent.  i shall give it a try.

happy posing. xx

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