Sunday, 30 August 2015

the what i wore project - week 35

damn you melbourne - you are fine (apart from the errant weather, which i am slowly getting accustomed to) but it keeps me on my toes and i have had a couple of learnings so far.

1. know where both gloves are at all times and purchase a back up pair in case you lose a glove like i did. hence know where both gloves are at all times.
2, just cause the sky is blue, the sun is shining, birds may be chirping and it looks warm - it isn't.

this was a week that not only tested my tricky weather outfits, but also tested my clothing choices. i am literally making whatever i can find in my bag lady wardrobe work.  but all that is coming to an end, as i come nearer to having a real wardrobe space.  and i am happy to report that a pair of denim overalls and a red checked western shirt will be making an appearance very soon.

i know spring is around the corner and i have been assured that it's still a while till short sleeves are in order, unlike my friends in queensland who are bathing in the warmth.
this is what the week from jan's bag lady wardrobe looked like and i once again ensured that colour was going to feature heavily.
and rightly so, given the line of ants i spied from my window.  i say ants cause at 46 floors up they look like ants - a line of black all marching towards work.
monday i wore black pants from country road, pink jumper from coles, knitted overshirt from sussan, men's shoes from tarocash and my leopard jacket that my mum made in 1996.
tuesday i wore my gold demin skirt that i made (it's intentionally crushed, cause ironing isn't factoring into my bag lady life at present), black turtle neck jumper from uniqlo, boots from jo mercer, rhinestone belt from wrangler and jacket from sri lanka.
wednesday i wore the same jumper - i know - 2 days in a row. i teamed it with my huudaverti tube skirt, jo mercer boots, i threw this spotted raglan sleeve top that i made on, added a sequin belt and a necklace.  i am not a big fan of wearing necklaces over turtle necks but i did it and did it again the next day. shows what having bag lady wardrobe does.
thursday i wore a raspberry pink velvet ensemble.  this was to ward of the bleakness of the day.  the jumper is from uniqlo, necklace from fiji, boots from jo mercer and the skirt and top were made by me.  the top was an afterthought using a leftover piece of the velvet which i added some pom poms to. looks like spring is springing on the garden terrace.

friday i wore the reverse denim velvet combo.  this look was way to structured for me. but i see lots of blokes wearing this same looks sans knee length boots. i liked it but it just makes me feel constricted.  can't explain why but 20 years ago i would have worn something like this any chance i had. the jeans are from target, boots from jo mercer, embroidered top and velvet jacket from sportscraft.
saturday i wore not enough clothes to keep me warm.  my god it was cold.  i went to my first ever photography class and it was outdoors and it was freezing. i wore my jeans, suede boots from merrells nyc, jumper from uniqlo, fur zip up vest from suzanne grae, scarf made by my mum and hat from an oppy in brisbane.  i also went searching for another pair of gloves.  oh my that was a drab adventure.  tips please.
sunday i wore my tie dyed jeans that i made, red men's shoes from stone, red jumper, black puffer vest from india, scarf made by my mum and cap from target.  this was also the day that i took my fun car for a spin.  it's been a few weeks now and i avoided any routes that would require a hook turn but i did manage to take the top off which is always grand.

so the end of the bag lady wardrobe is imimient.  i have found a place and expect to move in the next week or so.  i can't wait to have full control over the wardrobe again.


  1. You are settling in to Melbourne life. Congratulations on finding a place - look forward to your 'new' non-bag lady wardrobe! Katrina

    1. gee thanks. i am ready to get out there and explore now that i know where i will be coming home to each day. watch out non-bag lady looks. the day's are numbered.

  2. Wow!! amazing post..I'm so stunned by watching your pictures...I wish I could as cool as you.Thank you very much for sharing it with us

    1. Gee thanks. I had just relocated to Melbourne and was literally living out of a bag for 6 weeks. The outfits have returned to normal fun coolness since. have a beautiful day. Jan
