Sunday, 9 August 2015

the what i wore project - week 32

well i  have survived my first fashion week in melbourne.  it's been so much fun and the comments about me wearing colour have been coming thick and fast.  on most days when it has been overcast and cold i felt that the colour was a great thing, but then i look around and see the staple that is black.

i love black - i wore it for a whole week once - week 16 in fact, so i know it's great.  i am not sure what makes melbourne the city that loves to wear black though, surely with the dark weather, having more colour would brighten everything and everyone up!
i am here now, and i can't wait for summer when i get to wear an array of outfits that don't need hiding under a jumper, jacket, scarf and hat. that's how it's going to be, isn't it melbourne?

it was a week of firsts for me and that was pretty exciting.
monday i wore an outfit that i figured would test the temperature of the office.  i did take my coat off for this, but that didn't last long.  i did learn by tuesday that it pays to have a short coat in the office for those times you just want to race out to grab a coffee.

the orange wool pants are from sportscraft, red men's shoes from stone, black jumper for coles and this red over top - what the hell do you call this thing - well i picked it up from sussan at dubbo. i did mention that i liked these a while back, but they seemed to sellout fast.  i didn't have a lot of time in dubbo, but they seemed to have a lot of great clothes shops and that's going to mean a trip back at some point.  even their sussan was amazing.
tuesday i wore a dress i made about 3 years ago.  the fabric was from spotlight and it's great sleeveless or as an overdress. the jumper is from uniqlo (my first melbourne purchase), my boots are from jo mercer and the hat is vintage from an op shop in brisbane.
wednesday i wore a skirt that i had made which i grabbed out of my bag of tricks (it's literally a bag i am living from) and decided that the pink colour was complemented by the turtle neck jumper i got online from uniqlo.  some of their stuff just seems to be that extra long and i am not sure if it's their sizing, or whether it's intentional.  jury is out on their jumpers for now.  my usual boots were the foot covering of choice.
thursday i wore animal print tube skirt from huudaverti, jumper from coles, hat from oppy, my boots and this jacket which was from sri lanka.
friday i wore an outfit that seemed fitting for making my way into the skylounge club where i am staying.  studded boots from mollini, jeans from target, jumper from uniqlo and black dolman top from target.
i did say that the steam room and sauna were bold and the beautiful worthy and i wasn't joking.  i could only take a pick of the sauna, cause i think brooke and ridge, or brooke and deacon, or brooke and bill or eric, or thorne, could have been in the steam room - cause it was definitely steamy.  what is the protocol in this situation - just barge in, or wait till it's free?
friday i wore warm and casual.  i really don't have many things with me, so it's all about high rotation, and i am okay with that, it means more ways to style it up. everything here has been seen before, apart from the gloves i think, which i got in austria about 10 years ago.
sunday i wore my tie-dye jeans that i did myself.  they came from target and pretty much everything else has been seen before. this was taken on the terrace on the 10th floor of the apartments where i am and it was just like going out to a beautiful wonderland, after being surrounded by and living in concrete.
so today, i decided that i really should get a few more pieces of practical clothing. the stuff i have isn't really made for melbourne. having said that though, once you are inside, it's warm, so it's about finding the balance.  i wandered up to the dfo at south wharf. i think that was my first mistake, the walk was beautiful, but being met with this half arsed plus size rack in a store just sent shivers down my spine and it once again cemented the lost opportunities for companies to be giving ALL women fashionable clothing.  it sucked.

until i get behind my sewing machine again, i guess i will just have to keep on the look out for stuff that represents me and my style.  let's see what next week has to offer.

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