Thursday, 30 March 2017

Day 29. The vision solution

Discovering your life purpose and vision


What is it i want to be when i grow up?  After doing all this great work over the past month, they can't just leave us hanging to blow in the breeze, we need a plan and we need to make it one that is purposeful.  So i have to ask the question......what was i put on this earth to do?
That's a big question and one that often gets contemplated over a few bevvies when the "I'm gonna change the world" amount of drinks kicks in, but in the harsh reality of the hangover may never be contemplated again. I get to think about this without my beer goggles on now that i have all of these solutions under my belt. I get to think about the reality of this having a clear head and one that feels fresh and very curious as to what i may achieve when looking at what my ideal life could be like. I get to think about the possibilities of doing something that i feel aligned with and passionate about. Is there something i can do to make a difference to the world using the talents i have which will benefit others? Is it possible i could go in search of the sweet spot?   I know there are other spots i could be going in search of, but that's in a different book.
One of the things about not drinking is that i now have clarity of thought that makes me feel that i could achieve just about anything. So, what is it i want to do?  What am i passionate about? how can i make it happen?  I always felt like there was something a little different about me, how i think, how i do things, how i see the world.  I have all of this janergy to spread around - yep, i have janergy.  Its a thing, my own special energy that i janergize people with and make them feel loved and special and people really like it. It sometimes makes people stop and go WTF, but i just go about and sprinkle it around.  I bounced an idea i have off a friend of mine and he was like - get the checkbook - this would work, because people would want to be around you, so i am keeping this idea floating around - because who knows, maybe the opportunity will present itself and i can jump all over it.

So today, we go on a little soul searching mission to uncover some potential within us. I have a fantastic job working in a company that cares and with people who i love and although i find it satisfying, i do wonder if there's a way to do more with the creative and caring part of my spirit that could unearth the sweet spot - where purpose, passion and profit come together.

Let's see what today uncovers when we look at our theme of the vision solution which introduces us to the idea that we were born with a life of purpose and develop a vision aligned to it and one where we will be living from the heart and where this is no space for alcohol. We acknowledge that our past, no matter how great or terrible has taken us to where we are now, where we are meant to be as we take a new direction which will link to our future happiness and the joy we experience as we unearth our potential.  

We have to ask ourself what am i good at, what do i love and how can it be helpful? I've talked in a previous post about the business of self, and today we liken ourself to a corporation and create a vision and a mission statement to help us know what it is we are aiming for and to keep on track. 

We dig deeper into what our ideal life looks and draw up our vision compass to define a balance of work and career, finances, free time and recreation, health and fitness, relationships, personal goals and contributions to others.  To help us avoid getting lost back into old habits and patterns, we are given nine tips to keep us on track and they are:
1. review our vision daily
2. share our vision with others to get impact - maybe there are others who can help connect us to people who will help us make our vision become reality
3. follow our heart
4. continue to set goals
5. embrace high intention and low attachment - think big and then let it go out into the universe so it can manifest and be returned
6. be guided by our inner joy and keep following its path
7. be patient and practice persistence
8. take action, no matter how small
9. surround yourself with positive people 

Does this sound like an award winning storyline for living a healthy, purposeful life? to me it does and i actually have alcohol to thank for opening my eyes to all of this goodness.  
well, with all of that stuff to take in today, there was a truck load of action items we had to do and they were actually quite detailed, but if i am going to put a plan on a page, then i need to really think about what it is going to look like, so i won't be sharing at this time, cause i want to brainstorm all of this.

Action 1. Write a life purpose statement
We had to explore our passions from childhood to current then look at our strengths and talents and see if these aligned with our passions. we had to think about what we want our legacy to be and what could we be doing today to start to make a difference. And through those previous things, we then wrote a draft purpose statement 

Action 2. The vision compass 
What is it we truly want for the following - work and career, finances, free time and recreation, health and fitness, relationships, personal goals and contributions to others.  we have to really think about it by visualising what this ideal life looks like. again, think big and let it go.

Action 3. Write your vision statement
We had to use the things we revealed from action 2, to write a vision statement that we can look at each day, I am still tweaking mine, because it is actually a piece that i want to give a lot of thought to. 

Action 4. Write down your why.
Why do we do the things we do? for this action we had to write down the things that keep us going, no matter what and as someone who has had to take onboard a lot of personal challenges, this was pretty easy and i want to share. I see and read about struggles that people have and how hard it is to cope. I have built resilience through many life experiences and it's been with me for as long as i can remember.  I've always had an inner ability to keep looking forward with optimism even in the most difficult times.  In the 8 months before i moved to melbourne, i left my abusive husband, but still had to live with him during this time, our house had to be sold, we had a devastating storm that ruined a third of our house and many possessions and took many months to clean up and sort out, i was trapped in my car and thought i was a gonna during this storm, my ex-husband became critically ill and i cared for him, our house sold, leaving me with only my car, a share of our marital possessions, and enough money to move to the other end of the country when a fantastic job came up. I went through all of this still being an emotional punching bag and going to work each day regardless. I know i have shared this story before, but this is the power of resilience, never giving the fuck up and being grateful for both hardship and good things. Find a way to keep going and you will keep going and get stronger each day.

And how do i feel on the second last day of the journey....

I do have to say i am feeling incredible and more so each day.
I went to IGA and even after all these days alcohol free, there was the "have to pick up wine" feeling. It's just a feeling though, not a desire
I have had so much energy all day
And I am not even thinking about drinking wine

As i head into the final day (even though i have a couple more alcohol free days to clock up) i am feeling pretty excited to be able to put down the book and pick up reality and start setting some other goals and really focus on my year of conscious living. 

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