Wednesday, 20 January 2016

the sunday session 3 - let's salsa

well last week i had my salsa vibe on....not salsa like you put on corn chips, but salsa - the dance where you substitute every 4th beat with a clap....try it while moving your feet forwards, backwards, side to side, twirling, behind your ears till you end up in a's the yoga of the dancefloor.

and just as salsa is a dance of extremes, so were my looks, having to plan for a 40+ degree scorcher followed up by a 14 degree chill.
one of the great things about Melbourne is that there is so much free stuff to do and for someone like me, who is budget driven then this is a win win.

i was invited to a latin dance party in port melbourne and they do a free salsa lesson, then give people the opportunity to have a practice with a partner.  we were late for this part, but discovered that the salsa foundation run two free beginners classes each wednesday and thursday night in the city.  it's brilliant.  you can go as many times as you like and again, you learn the basics of salsa and get to practice with others.  my summer of salsa is going to heat up.

on saturday night they held a pot luck dinner and dance.  OK, so this was a big fat dud - but again, it was free and i took the opportunity to frock up fancy like, in this black number.
i have to say that this dress is a head turner.  men and women love it and considering i made it a long long time ago, it is still holding its own.

so let's get back to the salsa night shall we... it's held at a place called the seafarers club.  i love the club, it's for sailors and i guess it's a place to keep seaman from ending up in places where it shouldn't. i mean, where they shouldn't. i did ask the barman if it was okay for me to swear like a sailor and he was less than impressed.
the dance night was a dud, but at least i could have got some supplies. noodles, chocolate, crisps, drinks and SPAM.  why, how, how why..... i suppose sailors need to nutrition too.
after that short but sobering experience, my friend elena and i decided that it was time to fuck of out of there and went to somewhere far more civilised. THE CASINO. and on the way we met this guy. he made us feel a little uncomfortable.
and we had to pull this face, cause we met that guy. eeek  it's the same face as the cat from my online dating blog
where am i going here......

saturday night, salsa fail, THE CASINO....oh yes the casino
where helena became elena the legend
where i thought that james packer said - yes jan, i'd love you to put the french's mustard in your handbag in full view of the cameras. i will only give it back if james and mariah ask for it personally.
and where these 2 tore up the dancefloor at groove bar in the casino.  they were on point.
and the band was also on fire and we all danced the night away.

so the salsa night was a fail, but the rest of the night was a winner. 

I'ts my ambition to be able to dance well enough that an outfit like the one below will be a must, and if necessary the shoes to ensure that i get the airtime a wall flower like me will need to fulfill her dancing duties.
there is also a vacancy to be filled for a adventurous man who will be comfortable to complement me on the dance floor wearing this.  applications are now open.

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