Sunday, 20 December 2015

the what i wore project - week 51

it's the silly season and probably the season that i will be my least silliest.  why, because it's my first ever christmas away from any family and friends (apart from the new friends i have made), but this is the year of firsts and i'm okay with it, so the silly that i normally relish is just not there, but i will do my best.

this has been the year of being out of my comfort zone that's for sure and there is something quite empowering about stepping outside the usual and seeing not only what you are capable of, but what else is out there to broaden the horizon.

today i read an article in the paper about people who are lucky vs those who are unlucky, and it seems it all comes down to attitude and what you believe. the lucky people believe that if something bad happens, they are lucky it wasn't worse....the unlucky people believe that if something bad happens, then it's expected.  cause they are unlucky.  so i challenge anyone who feels that life is dealing them a dud hand to try their luck....
well now that we are all feeling lucky, let's move on to what i wore this week.
i had a great week. i felt lucky and just love that i am making each moment count.                
monday i went super girly girl with pink and red and i had a colleague say they would never put them together.  well why not!!! it's a no brainer.  I made the dress, the shoes are from jo mercer (managed them all day sans blisters) and topped it off with red flowers in my hair.
tuesday i  wore polyester hearts and it wasn't pretty.  so much static, that i was electrocuting everything.  i made the dress and belt and teamed it with shoes from betts.  i love this dress though and electrocution aside, i won't be deterred from wearing it.
wednesday i whacked on the red palazzo pants that i made a long time ago.  well sort of made.  i half made them and put them back in the sewing box and eventually they screamed "enough already - get me out of this cramped sewing box". they were at least 4 years from then till now.  i always felt they were too wide legged, but that's the thing now. they were right to speak up and they just needed simple accessories, like a giant blue flower belt, 2 necklaces and my shoes from whittner.
thursday i found this dress at the bottom of my unpacked storage box.  and yes it's another that i made in probably about 2010.  i got the fabric on my first trip to fiji.  it is so metallic, yet still looks amazing. i also got the gold shoes from the hardware store in suva - go figure. they cost 15FJ dollars and fell apart as i walked to the city thus requiring me to buy an emergency pair of shoes, as i was no longer well heeled.....
friday was our work christmas drinks so i went less than casual in this gold denim skirt i made, teamed with a leopard top from sportsgirl, shoes from whittner and gifted obi belt. that's the festivites done and dusted. i was home before midnight with no hangover in sight.
saturday the temperature was indiaesque.  and i can say that, cause i have been in india (and brissy) when it has gone over 40. okay so it's another outfit i made in the form of a jumpsuit with a necklace from venice (mi piace), a super old belt from an oppy and silver birkys.  strapless isn't my usual thing, but in this heat it was the only thing.
saturday night i was invited out for drinks with some new friends i have made (i knew that dancing may have been on the cards) so i dressed for the dance floor and for the heat. i get lots of comments about my legs and fuck it, tonight was the night when i had a huge light bulb moment after talking to my friends and not that i give a shit as to whether people think at nearly 50, i dress or act age appropriate, but i just do and wear what makes me happy and the legs are part of the package.  we all should do what makes us happy... regardless. it was a great night - we danced with a group of irish soccer coaches (male and female) who were having their christmas party. we didn't know them, but they included us for limbo, salsa, some dirty dancing and the only expectation was that everyone was having a good time on the dance floor. glad i could keep up. it was great.

sparkle shorts and belt were made by me, shoes from jo mercer, singlet was from target and heart earrings are old old old and riva at elwood was the dancing place of choice.  adding more suburbs to my internal melways.
sunday i woke up early after not enough sleep. it was hot again and i headed out for a warm cool coffee.  i have found a place that does my hotcold.  a glass with ice, then coffee, then hot soy.  perfect for the hot day. thank you magic on ferrars.

today was not only hot, but the wind was insane, so much so, that i was glad to have nice undies on for the numerous unexpected gusts that exposed my unsuspecting gusset area...

this dress is from our huudaverti collection and i teamed it with my silver birkys, necklace from venice (mi piace) and an impromptu belt made from a ribbon i had. i am expecting it to snow any minute!

well that's my week and i have some lessons learned.  life is what you make it and for me, leading into christmas - a time which can be extremely stressful for so many people for so many reasons - it will only be as good or as bad as i make it and with over a week off (starting thursday midday) i am looking forward to taking some time to just be. i think this has been the most difficult year of my life and i feel lucky to have made it to where i am today with my sanity intact.

a friend of mine said this week that i was fearless. that filled me with fear, but on reflection, i think she is right.  i have faced every fear (fashion or otherwise) to get where i am right now and that is feeling extremely peaceful and satisfied with this new life that i have made which in unfolding further everyday.  lucky hey!

happy festivus. and as you share kindness to those around you, remember to serve yourself with kindness first.

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