Sunday, 25 October 2015

the what i wore project - week 43

so this week, i think my fashion has been overshadowed by the arrival of one very very hot pink couch and the love of not having to sit on my 39 dollar ikea chair any longer.  i loved that chair, but my arse didn't and to be honest, i was lacking colour in my life in the home decor front. that chair is now relegated to the balcony where i can sit out there an enjoy the fresh air and a vino.
my plan is to put on my pinkest of pink outfits, open a bottle of pink bubbles (great suggestion from my sister) and snap a pick of me blending in with the pinkness.

next countdown is the arrival of my second taxi box which arrives this week and i am busting to crack that bad boy open.
here's what i pulled out of the cupboard this week and there's a shock factor element in there - all black.
hello monday, i dressed like i was the sun in this orange frock that i made.  the obi belt was gifted to me and the shoes were a new much needed pair of flats to keep me on the low down till my other stuff arrives.  they are from famous footwear. as my paid job is in mining, it's been a while since i have been able to wear opened toed shoes without getting a safety share.

so a thing happens when i walk into the office - i get the top to toe sweep from people and people dropping by to see what colourful outfit i am wearing.  how funny is that.  fashion is becoming a talking point.  maybe it was before i arrived, but it seems to be a lovely discussion to be having each day.  how's that for bringing people together.
on tuesday, mumma wanted to dance and she went all satin shiny.  as i was getting ready, i just had ra ra rasputin pop into my head (boney m) for the younger readers and i was doing my boney m moves across the floor and decided to google them.  there was a recent boney m segment on rage the other day and i have to say, they were disco and i felt disco and if i had a hundred bucks to spare i would have wandered over to the crown to see them.

this head to toe sweep was made by me.  the shoes are from jo mercer on sale, the belt from a $2 shop  - buckle turned to the side for extra effect and my anklet was purchased on a beach in rio.  i love this outfit and the pants were loved by both the men and women who probably wanted to wear them....can you blame them!
go for gold wednesday had arrived and i rummaged through the wardrobe to find this beauty. the denim skirt and belt were made by me and the top is a huudaverti number.  the boots got an airing cause surprise surprise, the weather was turning.
thursday  threw everyone into a tizz and why, cause i wore all black (in no way a reference to a possible rugby world cup outcome - but it could be.....)  but it was all black from the outfit to the nickers and bra.  the only thing that wasn't black was a necklace and my socks which were flouro green.  a taste of things to come. i had people coming to me in the office asking if i had turned all melbourne. hell no, i just decided to wear all black.  don't know that i will be doing that again soon, cause it freaked people out.

my all black outfit was my pants from country road, top from seed, men's shoes from tarocash, some old necklaces i made.  (tip. when you use magnetic clasps you can join and join as many necklaces together as you like to make one super necklace.  or not)
hello friday and i should have been excited that it was the last day of the working week and the arrival of my couch.  i no sooner got to work when i became violently ill throwing up green ectoplasm that would make any ghostbuster proud and was rushed to the doctors.  you know when you reach a certain age that things leak from other places in excitement, well i am happy to say that none of this happened as i was chucking into a toilet, then bucket, then bag as i made my way to the doctor. keep up the pelvic floors ladies, it pays off.

i'm not sure if the universe was sending me a message that some shit i was dealing with was doing me no good, or the avocado i ate just didn't agree with me.  whatever it was, it was green and it wasn't pretty jan....and it resulted in a shot in the arm that made me drowsy for the next 24 hours. i also needed to pay redelivery on my couch cause timing was everything.

i however looked great in my jeans from target, boots from mollini, black t and my poncho from tree of life.
saturday arrived after mild sedation had worked its magic.  i went forth with caution and contempt. caution cause i wasn't sure if i was okay and contempt for that bloody fringed jacket. oh man, it just loves to be involved in everything - the seatbelt holder, the gearstick, the handbag, the glasses, the door, everything.  i love it though, but what to do....maybe i will cut the fringing down a bit on the arms, cause that seems to be the problem area. aren't arms always a problem area?

the shorts were made by me, shoes from famous footwear, singlet from uniqlo, jacket from dream diva and the earings - aren't they amazing. gifted to me from my sister back in 2006 when she was living in sri lanka.  she figured i'd be the only person she knew who could pull them off.
well look at mumma on sunday, feeling all like the ugly duckling who turned into the swan. i bought this top a long while ago when i had a few more curves than i do now and i put it away cause it just didn't feel right, but how cute is it and the image is on the back as well, giving me swan arse, if that's a thing.  uncovered it yesterday and made it my must wear item today.  teamed with my target jeans and cap, connies and my vintage bag that i picked up yonks ago, i felt great, all things considering.

so the weekend was filled with highs and lows.  the high of getting my couch after 8 long weeks and the low of still having to move through some excess baggage that i don't want to carry around but for whatever reason has haunted me.

so through this i shall once again find the silver lining and move forward in both the fashion and the life stakes.  hope that everyone has a great week to come.

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