Friday, 30 October 2015

Passing Melbourne Probation

Wow, I have been in Melbourne 3 months and it feels weirdly like both a long and short time at the same time - time warp. And 3 months now heralds the end of probation, and both Melbourne and I have made it.

I remember over the past year, not only working through my book of Don't sweat the small stuff, but also revisiting the book You can heal your life by Louise Hay.  I am not saying that either of these things were the reason why change happened but I believe they contributed to my clarity of being and opening my life journey to other opportunities and one's which I decided to explore.

So within a few weeks in my Brissy life, i had had (love the use of had had) a total spin of the chocolate wheel with it bringing up some winning numbers, all which brought sudden change and my arrival in Melbourne.
Well here's what Melbourne has and hasn't given me.
For starters it gave me the most amazing arrival that was unexpected and uplifting and I was on the 46th floor of Freshwater Place.  It was here that routines were broken (I had sleep ins and tea drinking).  Every part of my life had changed from the moment I walked in the door. The view inspired me every day and as I'm a big picture person, this was a true big picture. Balloons floated past, the sunrises were amazing, I felt like part of the city and thank goodness, there was never an evacuation.  At 46 floors up, you don't burn the toast and set off an alarm, whatever you do.
I got to not only enjoy the road trip with this guy, but spend a few days with him before he jetted back to Brissy. I love his honesty and that we can just be who we are and enjoy our time together.  As a mum, the best gift I give is to let him have his own journey and to be there if he needs me.  I have been picked up for not saying I Love You every time he says it to me. So lesson learnt...a simple ILU is all I need to say.  I don't want to be saying the full words out too loud, cause I'm a single lady and I'd hate to miss out on being asked out for a date, cause I am throwing the I Love You phrase around when we talk on the phone.
And then there's the food.  As a vegetarian I love love love the choices on offer. I've been to Brunetti, Lord of the Fries, Flora, Enlightened Cuisine, Supercharger, Vege Bar, Soho, Baci, etc etc, and Etto in South Melbourne, where I was so kindly given a food voucher after posting a comment on instagram about how much I loved a meal. That was seriously unexpected, but very appreciated. Don't forget the booze with Ponyfish Island being my bar of choice, given that it's beautiful and close to home. I'm even building up my larder to enable me to continue with my love of cooking. I have had one bad food experience though - a dry cold pizza which i gave feedback on and was offered a replacement. not too bad, but it was definitely token - no real genuine love there.
We should talk about the weather.  I arrived at the coldest possible time and I wasn't quite prepared after the years of Brisbane expectation. I have to say the rain has been quite light on so far, but the wind (not mine) has been a hair raising experience.  I've even been sicker in the past 3 months, than I  have been in the past 3 years.
Now Melbourne, we need to have a chat about the's leaving questions that I need answers for.  STAT. Coffee's been my life for a long long time - apart from when I was pregnant in the 80's and the smell made me want to spew, real bad.

I've done it all - instant, choc coated beans, home brew, black, white, sugar, no sugar, short and long, local, national, international, transition from dairy to soy, I've seen it all. I even think there's a market for a caffeine infuser (nicorette style). I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and for the past probably 12 or 13 years, i was loyal to Ugees in Brisbane.  It never failed to deliver.  And now I am here, Melbourne definitely seems too be a food city, not a coffee city.  Shame. I'm not hating though.....the routine has changed, and so have the coffee habits, but dang I miss not going somewhere each day and having a Vitasoy filled consistent relaxed brew which is a ritual I want to embrace.

For my first work coffee, I arrived at the hole in the wall and was asked how I was - fucking freezing I said, "what the fuck is this weather...."  Laughter all round and I have to say Caffenatics at Freshwater Place is my Monday to Friday grind and with people I feel a kinship with. but the weekends are still causing me to shop around.  And Melbourne, what's with the Bonsoy?  Me no likely....

I have shocked twice - once asking for the hotcold - a shot of coffee over ice, topped with hot soy. It's delicious, but it's not an iced coffee in a giant cup people. Then there was the time I took a tub of ice-cream to a coffee shop and made my freestyle affogato. Melbourne will get used to me...(I hope)
And then this happened. Me on the 31st July and this guy on the 16th August. Just so you know, that's me on the left....I got nothing - Jan in tartan, purple jacket and red  hat, with a stick looking thingy. Man on street with tartan, purple jacket and red hat with stick looking thing. This guy had bells on this stick and I have jangly bangles on both my arms. Both noise worthy instruments. I took both these photos and can assure you that the one on the right wasn't done with my selfie stick and a my everyday ootd share.

I also joined a social group - and to quote Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman - big mistake, big, huge.. they weren't my people, but I will keep on looking for them.  I know they are out there.

For me, I feel alive and at 49, I have a youthful outlook that I have cultivated, love and want to embrace and I need to be around people who are living, not just alive.

Shall I touch on the fashion - it's true, they all wear black (well most of them), but not me - well not everyday, that's for sure.
Here's what I don't love about Melbourne life.  It doesn't outweigh the love, but I hate the smoking - it's everywhere..... in cafes, restaurants, bars, and smoking is bad, but having to breath in what someone else breathed out as second hand smoke or endure till the next drag is taken is just horrible. I do miss Brisbane for their life saving laws. AND not having a regular coffee spot everyday is also hard but I take this as part of the adventure.

I am embracing Melbourne life and here's what I love - living in the city, my job, the food, daylight savings, the activity and just being here - even the tap water is good.  the ocean is close and I just want to ride around on a bike, cause it's flat and beautiful.

So 2 months ago, I ended my marriage and was devastated by the most horrific storm that hit our suburb, but what can I say, it opened the door to a total new life. I was able to fund my move and go forth in my desire to find inner peace.  It hasn't been without its ups and downs, but it feels right and that's a good feeling to have.

so what's next - DATING.... it's time and I am ready to open the door on another installment of my Melbourne life.

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