Tuesday, 3 November 2015

the what i wore project - week 44 (countyourlippies)

so week 44 is upon me and with this came the arrival of cracking open my second taxi box and getting out some goodies. i had to hire a van and go and retrieve the big items, cause none of it would fit in the car, but at least now, if i need anything, i can do some quick trips and and bring small stuff back.
so following the pick up of these items,  i find myself sick AGAIN.  what is going on.  i have been sicker in the past 3 months then i have been in the past 20 years.  it is crazy and i don't like it.   i don't think i am immune to all the melbourne bugs like i was with the brissy ones.  there's also a lot of dust and i did have to stand near a man who was coughing everywhere the other day - maybe that did it, but whatever it is, it sucks, cause it is not what i want in my life right now.

so today, i am not going to go through each outfit i wore, because i want to share something that i feel is an undiscussed issue for women in their late 40's and over, who find themselves having their relationships breakdown and no way to get back on their feet due to the many issues that arise from separation and divorce.  and i know women in this situation and i want to help these women firstly and then go on and help other women who find themselves suddenly out of their comfort zone and not knowing how to move forward with their lives.

a couple of years ago i went into my handbag and counted the lippies i had and thought that it was a bit nuts that i had so many, but they seemed to go at it like rabbits and breed and not only in my handbag but other bags.

and recently i had a conversation with a woman at work who shared that she had a lot of lippies in her bag and it occurred to me that maybe there were other women like us who loved their lippies so much that the couldn't bare to leave them at home. i thought this may be a way to raise awareness to an issue that may be facing women.

I am a woman of action and instead of sitting on the idea, i decided to do something with it - but what do you do when you have an idea and really don't know where to start - well i slept on it and let the idea come to me.

i'm a newly separated woman in my very late 40's and those who have followed my journey know that i have made big change this year and I've made it happen under my own steam and have come out the other end in good shape but not as financially secure as i would like.  for many other woman who go through separation when they are in their late 40s and over, they aren't so lucky and i know women who need help to be able to regain control of their lives.  because where do you start when you don't know where to start.

like a bolt of lightening it hit me - maybe i could use this idea to help the women i know who are struggling financially following breakups - women who find themselves coming out of marriages with little more than the clothes on their back.  And so #countyourlippies came to me. I checked...there was no hashtag, no instagram, no twitter posts - but there is now.  And i want to help women who find their lives changed for the worse following a separation....the women who are like me, but worse off.

i have some women i need to help, so i have started a go fund me campaign called roof over her head to help these women and to hopefully help other women who face the uncertainty of their futures when they try to put their lives back together.

women are having children later in life as well, so how do they care for themselves, and their children following separation and at a time, when the reality is that becoming financially self sufficient is even harder due to their age.

So i got out my lipsticks and counted them (16)
and these are just the ones contained in my handbag - not the ones that have been breeding like rabbits everywhere else. i love lipstick and want to see if lipstick could bring change to these women in need.

i am pretty sure that i am not the only person who carries around a bunch of lippies and if you do, then count them up and let a part of your love for them go to helping others in need - even if it's just starting a conversation about what you would do if you were to ever be in this position or what the women who are in this position are doing. 

I've set up an instagram @countyourlippies so we can share this journey and draw attention to women of a certain age who lose so much following separation.

i plan to share a pic each day of the random lippie i grabbed out of my bag cause i really want to do something to help.
I'd love you to #countyourlippies and take a moment to imagine what it would be like to walk in the shoes of these women.
i said i was a woman of action right.....

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