Monday, 7 September 2015

the what i wore project - week 36

oh my, i am churning through the high repetition, however saying that, i am pretty sure that my hello kitty pj's haven't featured before, but i guess there's a first time for any fashion statement.
my week started vertically and by friday, i was horizontal with some bug that is still plaguing me, but thankfully to a lesser extent. i think that after realising that i can start to find my normal after months of personal upheaval my body just crashed and gave me some enforced rest.

so here's what i grabbed out of my bag lady wardrobe this week.  only a few days to go, till i am officially moved and i can't wait to be in a permanent place and i have the coat hangers at the ready.
monday i went and signed the lease on my place. exciting. i wore brown.....and a hot pink hat.  the velvet skirt was made by me and did nothing to stop the breeze coming through. teamed with a black turtle neck from uniqlo, jacket from sri lanka, boots are from merrells purchased in NYC 2005 and cap is from old navy NYC circa 2012 - i was ready to sign on the dotted line.
tuesday i was getting excited about my move and decided a vintage leopard hat (from NYC) was in order, it was too cold to just wear the hat (not to mention too inappropriate) so i teamed it with my black boots from jo mercer, vinyl skirt from target, belt made by me, and a top from dream diva.

dream diva is the people who started city chic and i picked up a couple of things to add to the bag lady wardrobe.  their sizing runs a bit hit and miss for me, but i got some stuff in stretch and could go down to their small which is about a size 14 - 16.  they had a fun range and i will definitely go back and check them out.  they have their only store on bridge road richmond, so being able to try stuff is a plus. (pardon the pun)
wednesday came and maybe i was subconsciously telling myself to slow down cause for some reason i sat down to take my pic. the pieces aren't new, but the combo was.  tartan pants made by me, men's shoes from tarocash, black jumper from coles, and red over top from sussan and socks, yes i had socks, but i don't know where the fuck they are from.

i had been juggling butterflies this week to get my move underway and by the end of the day it had all come together.

taxi box booked
concierge booked
keys to pick up booked
blokes to move my stuff booked
day off to oversee all this booked.
thursday i was so excited to be on the move, that i couldn't even get my whole body in the pic. i'm not even going to share what i wore cause it pales into comparison, to what was about to happen. i felt the total change in weather today - warm one minute and freezing the next.  by the arvo i felt really lethargic and went home for a rest - clearly it was a sign of what was to come.
thursday i was accessorizing with a potential spew bucket. i woke up and could not lift my head off the pillow. i can't remember when i felt this crap, but the show must go on and as i have to fend for myself that meant going to get supplies, which i did after taking this pic.  ewww that was a rough trip. all that matters here is that i have hello kitty pj pants from old navy NYC.
saturday required me to do some stuff, even though i just wanted to lie in bed. to do this stuff, i wore my jeans from target, diadora sneakers from fiji, black turtle neck from uniqlo, cordury coat from canberra, leopard hat from NYC and sunnies from byron bay. it was a rough day, but i soldiered through.
sunday, i still wasn't much chop, but i had to make tracks and that meant prepping for the ongoing planting of roots that ensues. i needed stuff - a dinner set, a toilet cleaning brush, wine glasses, storage, etc etc. i had to get in the car and head to ikea. with all this excitement and 2 trolleys to wrangle - i forgot to pay, after scanning all my stuff (thanks brain fade).  clearly dressing like a cowgirl was in order.  i wore jeans from target, jo mercer boots, green t from kmart, name belt from NYC and vintage gingham western shirt from OTC melbourne city.

i can't even begin to describe how exciting it is to be feeling settled and what's even more exciting is that my new landlord must understand what it feels like to want to call a place home, cause i am allowed to put up all my art.......and in a world where the norm is to be able to add ONE picture hook

yes 1 picture hook on a wall, this is a big freaking deal. bunnings here i come!

wonder how they will feel when i ring to ask if i can knock a wall down for extra wardrobe space.....

1 comment:

  1. So pleased that you are able to put down roots now! Katrina
