Saturday, 14 June 2014

DSTSS - the homework

At the end of each ten chapters of this book, i have been doing a little look back and reflecting on how i am feeling and whether there's been any ah-ha moments!

The biggest one, is that this book requires a shit load of homework.....and i've never been one for homework. But, since i am nearly grown up, i figured a little bit wouldn't hurt, so as i read through the book, i marked some pages that i wanted to keep in the foremost of my mind.  And with the help of a giant post-it, i have made a list of things that i can keep thinking about as soon as i wake up - being mindful is a really healthy way to keep balance in your life.
Homework from the last ten chapters has been:
1. Make everyday count - and yes i have been, even to the point of revisiting another book that i used a long time ago to help put life on track because if i keep sitting and waiting for life to happen, it will have happened and i will have missed it.  I've gone back to basics and doing some exercises that have helped clear out a lot of mental garbage.  Working on letting the universe doing its magic, has opened quite a few doors for me - the biggest being a promotion at work, that has provided me with a dual role doing both things i love - online training development and coordinating and designing training materials.

2. Spend a moment everyday thinking of someone to thank - well, i think i have been focusing more on just being thankful rather then singling people out.

3. Smiling and talking to strangers - baby steps, baby steps - this is still quite a tuffy for me and why - well who the fuck knows.  I think this says a lot about me and that little part of my psyche that thinks i am not quite good enough.  How's this for crazy though - along with my sister (at my suggestion and my instigation) i made us known to the head of fashion TV when we were at Fiji Fashion Week, just recently.  Now that wasn't hard was it Jan - and i didn't even have anything to drink.  More of that please.

4.  Set aside quiet time everyday - yes yes yes yes yes.

5. Choosing battles wisely - well there has been less tension in the house, that's for sure, so there's been less battles to have.

It's only a few weeks now till we have to put the house on the market so who knows what pre and post house drama will arise, but keeping perspective on my part, is the biggest thing i can do.

Also since starting this ten chapters, i have had an anniversary of meeting my husband and a wedding anniversary - both of which due to the ensuing chaos, i didn't expect to see.  As difficult and as frustrating as these months have been, we are still committed to strengthening our relationship and moving forward in a more loving way - even though for the next month i will be a world cup widow.....

One of the hardest things we have navigated in our relationship, is that i don't understand his need to make something bigger then it needs to be and he doesn't understand my need to not make something bigger then it needs to be.  And i'm a vegetarian and he's a meat eater so there always has to be compromise. But i'd like to hope that through all of this turmoil, we have seen what's on offer to lose here and are putting the important things first and foremost.

I think the biggest thing about our relationship is coming to an understanding that no matter how tuff things are, if we keep focused on not letting the small things take over and not reacting too much to the bigger things, then we should be fine.
I have also toyed with the idea of not going on any further with the blogging of the book, because things seem quite calm. Am i being lulled into a false sense of security.....probably. So in keeping mindful of working towards becoming a more peaceful, loving compassionate human being, i am keeping my commitment to see through the next 70 freaking chapters.

Wishing everyone peace, love and happiness.....

Stay tuned.

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