on monday i trundled off to work in my new pants that i whipped up over the weekend.
actually, i didn't whip them up over the weekend, they were cut out in about june, with the intention of taking them to new york. they then went to fiji and stayed there till i made my way back in october this year for fashion week. I had every intention of finishing them then as well....
then those same pants still stayed unfinished and in fiji until my mum came back a couple of weeks ago and i saw them in her stuff. i did manage to sew the side seams way back then and took the opportunity to spend the 10 minutes it would have taken me to finish them in june, to finally get them done on sunday.
These pants are shiny, hot pink satin goodness with elasticized hem and waist.
these pants felt so good that i thought i'd get dave to take a snap of me and my fineness.
as the day wore on, the pants copped quite a few compliments - from their shininess, to their i dream of jeannie magic, to their hot pinkness, so teamed with an old top from katies - thanks to the back of my wardrobe and my novo shoes, and necklace made from donated leftover beads from Beck Jobson at handmade life - they were just an all round winner. and yes for those who asked, we can see if we can get some of these into our clothing line.
Skip to Tuesday when i had all intention of going to the boxing gym in the arvo and realised as i went to get changed that i had forgotten my pants. I had reached the point of changing that i was ready for those pants to go on, but alas, they were not in my bag. so that left me with no option but to redress and wait a fair while for dave to be available to pick me up, or to chance the bus. And chance the bus it did. that bus was full of so many sad sacks that the energy was just drab and within one stop more that all changed. this guy got on. he had everyone staring and wondering. I stared and wondered as well - i wondered who the hell this awesome guy was. i don't think the picture does him justice, but he certainly didn't take coco chanel's advice to take a quick look in the mirror and take off the first thing you see before you leave the house. maybe he did, but if he did it didn't make any difference. he could NOT have had any more accessories. is that a thing for men, do they accessorize?? he was even offered a seat, but i think the tightness of those pants didn't allow for this travel luxury.
all i can say is thank goodness i left those pants at home, or i would have missed this.
I don't like this style. But these people are brave enough. That's cool too.