Sunday 22 September 2013

not a day goes by

here i am on the eve of my 47th birthday.  I haven't written a post in over 2 months and that hurts my soul but I just don't have the time.  but not a day goes by when i don't just want to sit and start typing something ridiculous.

I am going to reflect though - not only on the last year, but on my photo a day.

I looked in the mirror today and once again, i didn't feel like i am any different to last year or the year before.  However, the biggest thing i have noticed is that my eyesight is still so f'ing B A D. I always remember my nana saying that one day it will happen to you and nana knew has happened - so place exsoose any spilling misteaks.

Nearly a year ago, my sister Christine suggested we do a fashion show in Fiji - which we did.
Earlier this year, we got an opportunity to go to New York and show a collection - which we did.
In about 2 weeks, we will be back in Fiji doing another collection.

And in between all that, i have tried to focus on my day job while pining to do more with my fashion night job.  I liken the fashion world we are in to having something really fantastic to eat and then wanting to keep eating it, but it just isn't that easy to do, so in the meantime my sisters have been keeping the ball bouncing while we work to making this a full time thing.  So this digress into something that we are so passionate about is difficult for me cause i just can't commit the time i would like and that time keeps me from doing my blog!

But i can keep working behind the scenes to do what i can to make huudaverti awesome.

but in the meantime, let's look back to me in 2011 and 2012

and now on the eve of 47, doing the best look around - the duck lips.  quack! and i am making it extra large so you get the full effect.

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