Monday, 10 September 2012

mumma and me

yesterday mum and i went on a little adventure.  it involved food, fabric and fun - some of my favourite things.

first stop was a demonstration of a pattern drafting ensemble called the maria martin pattern drafter. it's a one stop shop for all things pattern making which is going to come in very handy for someone like myself.  it has no bells and whistles, but more like right angles and curves, but  i guess they are the bells and whistles of this gadget.
next stop - get some fabric to use with this magical piece.
I'd been telling Jenny how nice it was at the buddhist vego place at inala, so we decided to head off for a late lunch, but guess what, the buddhist nun has moved on and all in a space of 3 weeks.
oh well, our loss, OR WAS IT.....
in its place is a new vegan cafe, even smaller than the other one but with a much bigger menu, and then came the hard part, what to eat. so we had all of this
and when that was finished and we were full to the brim, we managed to find room to share this - vegan coconut jelly in a real coconut, who'd have thought. it was one of the best things i have ever eaten. that special dessert stomach comes in real handy.
so after after numerous cups of tea and a delicious late lunch i got to snap a shot of mumma, looking ever so contented and happy. 

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