Thursday, 13 September 2012

living the dream

a few months back i had my professional development plan discussion at work and my ever supportive leader asked me what it is i love to do - i said i'd really love to do fashion, i am a creator, and that creative side of me comes out in the work i get to do (thank goodness).  but i said, at 45, it's probably a bit late to start down this fashion path. well he didn't agree with that (thank goodness).  i get so many people ask me where i get my clothes or compliment me on what i am wearing (as does my sister) and as i have said before, i think i missed my calling.

so, fast forward about a month or so and i get a call from my sister. hey, do you want to do a collection for Fiji Fashion Week.
so, after about a second's thought, i said yes.
but what the hell do we do now......
well...with her in Fiji and me here in Brisbane, we will take it all in our stride and embark on a what has probably been a life long dream for both of us, cause for as long as i remember, we loved fashion.  look at us way back when - white was the colour du jour and clearly from head to toe.  As very young girls, we would scour the one and only op shop, in our hometown of macksville in northern NSW and we would fancy up in the clothes that back then were pretty amazing. i think from there an ongoing spark was lit which has never been extinguished.
our nana was a seamstress, our mum sewed amazing oufits for us as kids and now we create and we are making a dream a reality.
and as always, we set out to look our best, no matter what we are doing

in just over a month, we will be on an international stage doing what we love to do.
so the road to fashion week is well underway and in true bold and the beautiful style, i can't give too much away just yet.
i don't know where this little adventure will take us but getting the opportunity to pursue something that is really meaningful to us, is for me, the most exciting part.
so stay tuned, as we head towards the runway.
and, i'd like to thank our mum who has gone out of her way to help us make this happen. xx

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