Monday, 24 September 2012

happy birthday to me....

wow, yesterday was my birthday
and what is foremost on my mind is that it's a year since i finished my photo a day blog.  what blog some of you might ask well it's the one where i took a photo of myself everyday for a year and then also crapped on about nothing.
this birthday has been a festival thanks to my husband who insisted that it go for longer than one day.
starting friday, our usual festivites as the local bowlo
yesterday, lunch at a vego cafe in brisbane

these were what i thought was a standard steam bun, till i dipped them into my spice sauce and realised they were a dessert.  they were in fact vibrant green, but you would never tell from this snap.
and on it went, a night out in west end, our spiritual home and with a couple of quiet drinks at our old watering holes. and my oh my, watching the young tragics in their ever so high heels was more than my bladder could bare.
and yesterday brekky with my husband, my benno and my benno's gal pal who presented me with a big box, so of course, i had to show everyone how big my box was.

i can't say what was in my big box, cause the law may be reading and want to come confiscate what's in the big box, but i am very impressed with my benno's creativity.
oh and if that wasn't enough, pizza with A&A and props to me for being the birthday girl, cause i got to have the only bacio dessert left, even though 2 of us ordered it.

in pondering the year that was, i took it as a perfect opportunity to take another snap of me 2 years on from when i first started blogging
september 2010
september 2011
and yesterday, september 2012
in reflection of this photo this biggest change i noticed is that my eyesight is fucked, that thing that sits under my chin is heading south and i really need to do something with my hair.

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