Sunday, 15 July 2012

little miss velvet and her cranky friend chiffon

this week's project has been fraught with pleasure and pain - a simple bias cut skirt and flouncy top was the offering at hand.

I invited along velvet in the awkward colour and teamed it with chiffon all colours.  velvet is such a great gal, she just fitted in with every stitch i made, but little did i know that velvet's little friend chiffon, was going to be such a bitch.

she just wasn't happy. she made me sew, unpick, sew re unpick, she even expected 2 bloody french seams (who knows how to do that)????
I do now....

she was a bit frayed at the edges (must have had a hard night) and even with the special rolling hemmer foot, she was just difficult to get on with, but i persevered with the hope of making her my friend, finally she started to see things my way and cooperated a little.
am planning on teaming this outfit with my snakeskin boots. i just want to confuse chiffon even further, cause i think that she thinks she'll be the standout item in this ensemble. She won't always be top dog, but after today's get together, we've agreed to be frenemies

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