Monday, 30 May 2016

the sunday session 22 - rug up

it's week 22  and there was a lot going on, both on the fashion front and off.

i had some visitors visit, i had a random encounter with a women who was literally 2 degrees of separation and i enjoyed a few days of someone else being behind the camera for my ootd pics.  god i loved that - seriously, universe send me an instagram toyboy (of a decent age) who will be happy to snap away while i make love to the camera as i start my day and get to have fun with him when the day is over (just putting it out there #sorrymum)
so there were a lot of things happening this week and i'm gonna start at the beginning.

ok. monday, tuesday, wednesday... i looked great in some homemade and thrifted ensembles.
on thursday, i headed out for the day in a blanket that i decided to convert to a skirt.  how hot is this? yep hot! but not so much in the making!

friday i went all classic like.  saturday i had a day out with my visitors and then frocked up in a velour thrifted number for an art opening and on sunday, it was another day exploring over prahan way (or pra-RAHN) as say it - not pran as the locals do.  anyway there was so much to see and so much to eat!

so my fave look was probably the crochet skirt - cause it was fun fun fun and i made it myself.

what i thought was going to be a simple conversion ended up being a not so simple conversion from blanket to spunky skirt - but i got there in the end.  so here's what happened.

I picked up a couple of crocheted rugs at the op shop and decided that i would make them into fabulous skirts.

problem number 1 - they are very thick thus making overlocking a feat similar to climbing everest....achievable but challenging

problem number 2 - they are very thick thus making a finished polished look as unlikely as seeing posh spice wearing flats on a hike in the hollywood hills. you would like to think it's the reality but it just aint.  and yet, i perservered! until i hit problem number 3.  and still i carried on.
i wrapped the blanky around me till i decided how i wanted it.

then i pinned it to where it needed to be stitched.
and then i made the sewing machine do the unbelievable and stitch this motherfucker. this wool is so thick that it was a bit of a struggle.
and when that was done, it tried it on and jiggled it around about and contemplated how on earth i would put in an elastic band round the top. and here entered problem number 3.
in my mind putting elastic round the top worked a reality it was a massive failure.

first up i cut a separate band of thinner fabric and sewed it inside out, and then i attached it to the wrong side and had to unpick it. by then i was a bit over the fabulous skirt made out of a thrifted blanket, so went fuck it. i decided to just sew the front seam in more at the top till it fitted me round the waist  (wool has a fair bit of stretch) and then i overlocked around the top VOILA. the opening down the front was intentional as i thought it gave a fun look.
here's the trauma of problem number 3.  anyway, it's under a shirt so it just doesn't matter.  some things aren't mean't to be pretty.
what matters though is about how hot this little number is and how perfect it was for a super cold melbourne day,  

i was literally wearing the blanket that everyone else wishes they were covered with in the freezing weather.

it was a busy week and when i had a random encounter with a stranger it proved to be one of those moments where you really need to acknowledge that the world really does move in mysterious ways. so come sunday night i took some time to remind myself of the importance of feeling grateful and thankful for the people who are in my life and the opportunities that i have and am making.

i also took some time to write down a few things i'd like to start achieving over the next few months. i'm not really a goal setter, but i think there is value in stopping and thinking about what it is that you'd like to achieve and work towards making it happen.

as for actually making any of these things happen i don't know how yet, but i know that if i don't at least think about it, then i'm not challenging myself as much as i'd like to.  i enjoy being out of the comfort zone that's for sure.

just as i was with that crazy crochet.

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