Monday, 30 November 2015

the what i wore project - week 48

well i have seemed to throw a bit of everything in the mix this week black, white, long, short, winter and spring.
what was great this week, was that i had a visit from a friend and former colleague in Brisbane.  I also had my first performance review for work and phew, glad that's over.  i did manage to do very well and it's nice knowing that work wise, i made the right decision when i made this ginormous move to the other end of the country.

financially it has been a massive change and one that i am still getting my head around.  not only going from a double to single income, but relocating and setting up.  i still have the same level of financial commitments, but it's only me taking care of them now, so i have to be thinking about getting maximum bang for minimum bucks.

continuing to remain grateful for everything i have is what keeps the playing field level.
monday i decided to let this necklace do the talking. i made the black dress, the shoes are from famous footwear and the necklace is from Robert Kennedy Fiji.
i was grateful today that i had some of these delicious biscuits left over that i had made. my day at work had been a brain drain and this little treat was just the perfect nightcap.
on tuesday i wore this lovely leopard print dress i made.  it's just pulled together in the front with a safety pin and i added the flower.  shoes are from betts.
i was grateful today for seeing the lovely Dayle McCallum who was passing through Melbourne. Dayle is the most amazing woman and i have never met another person like her.  She was such an incredible sounding board at time when things were spinning out of control in my life. She has this unique way of looking at life's complexities and then getting you to think about how you can use them to make a situation better, not worse.

She has recently bitten the bullet and started her own business to do what she enjoys doing - helping people reach their full potential.
on wednesday i wore this lovely white frock from tree of life.  i teamed it my shoes from betts, earrings from fiji and made my hair all braidy and fun.
there was a serious side to the day and i am going to share it right now.  it was white ribbon day and the day where attention is drawn to domestic violence against women. i spent too long in a relationship that just burned with anger and for me one of the catalysts that came to make change was when i was late out of work one day, due to something that had happened unexpectedly and i was on the receiving end of my mistake because i didn't text to say i would be late (about 10 minutes). there had been numerous events before that (all verbally aggressive and undeserved) and many that had left me feeling so sick to my stomach that i couldn't even think how i would get by, but i did, and as the resilience for this wore down, i knew that the long term effect of this would eventually be to my detriment and i found the courage to make change.

i don't wish to share any more about this, but to find yourself as a carefree loving person, who has only the vision of happiness and joy in their heart, it is really hard to understand how over time erosion happens that makes you feel so fearful about doing anything that may ultimately upset another person so much that their reaction just blows your mind.  i have shared my white dress post here and will now wish to leave this chapter of my life behind
thursday i stepped out in my custo barcelona skirt - purchased in sri lanka, merrells boots, belt from a 2 dollar shop, old t-shirt that seems to have got bigger and anamazing piece of jewellery from india, teamed with some beads. my bag is from witchery.
today i was grateful that i had the opportunity to have been able to speak with our EAP (employee assistance program) and share the things i had been feeling - from the joy to the sadness, from the past to the future and to come out the end knowing that i am in a great place.
hello friday - i wore my target jeans (definitely time for a new pair) my stone shoes and my lovely top from seed.

today i was grateful that i had made some new friends through meet up and was asked out for some socialisation. felt good.
saturday i wandered out in my velvet huudaverti shorts, boots from jo mercer, leopard top from NYC, and belt from 2 dollar shop.

i felt grateful that my sister was okay following a health scare and that i could share some fun times via social media to help her take her mind off things.
on sunday - well i don't know why i got so fancy, but i did. i wore an amazing skirt i got in india in 2001, shoes from nine west, kaftan top from huudaverti and a long singlet from somewhere that i have had for about 10 years. and the necklace that matched perfectly which came from venice i think. some stuff is coming out of mothballs it seems.

i took a drive in the morning and ended up at the bay.  i just love that within 10 minutes, i can walk on the sand and dip my toes into to the freezing water if i want to - all while needing to be wrapped in a puffer jacket, scarf and beany.  melbourne weather is crazy.
i felt grateful today, just like if do everyday.  on sunday morning, i had this weird sensation where i opened my eyes as if they were being forced and when i looked out my fishbowl was greeted with balloons floating past.  it was super early and it was a beautiful sight.

is gratitude the new black.....?

i reckon it is, cause it just allows you to take stock of all the great things that we take for granted everyday in this crazy rushed world.

i for one and pleased to be on the gratitude wagon, as i have no doubt that it's what has kept me going when life just started to crumble away.  even though i seemed to be losing a lot, i had more that i actually thought it did.  go figure.

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