Sunday, 16 August 2015

the what i wore project - week 33

i'm 2 weeks in to my melbourne life and i underestimated the weather....apart from this weekend.
i spent the week taking photos in the apartment terrace cause it was a contrast in colour and also texture.

i would race down with my jacket on, strip off and take the photo,jacket back on then race back up stairs.  monday was by far the worse, with the wind and the cold, but i made it through and was pleasantly surprised with how lovely the weekend was.
monday i wore windswept everything - hair, scarf, clothes.  the oufit was a dolman top from huudaverti, velvet skirt and belt made by me, boots from jo mercer and heart scarf from trade secret.
tuesday i wore great hair - thanks to sleeping the right way and a pattern clash.  the pants are from target, shoes from stone, jumper from uniqlo and overtop made by me.
wednesday i wore melbourne dark with a pink addition.  satin skirt is from target, boots are from jo mercer, sparkly jumper from harris scarf and the knitted scarf was made by my mum.
thursday i wore probably the most adventurous outfit for the office - it was time to test the diversity waters and it was fine. these men's shoes are from stone, tartan pants made by me, jumper from uniqlo and the vest is from lee, but i sequined it myself.
friday i wore casual attire.  the jeans are from target, suede boots from merrells purchased in nyc in 2005, black jumper from coles and the red overtop from sussan in dubbo.
saturday i wore gear to explore the city in. it was quite warm, so i didn't even take a jacket.  it made the future look warm and promising.  i did also go to find a new pair of jeans but that was a massive fail.  i discarded some before i left brissy, because they just were no longer good - zipper fails, excessive sagging but i am on the look out for some new ones - stat.  i walked everywhere, so wore my jo mercer boots, jeans, jumper from uniqlo and poncho that i got at tree of life last year. i just let the hair go wild with pig tails as well.
i also ran into one of the only people i know in melbourne yesterday. man did that feel good.  she hoped the universe would give us a meeting and it did - i really needed that, cause by the end of the week, some lack of familiarity had set in.
sunday i wore no jacket at all - it was a far cry from earlier in the week. my work has subscriptions to melbourne bike share and i thought it would be a great way to do something different.  i wore my gola shoes, jeans from target, black t from temt and puffer vest from millers.  the bikes were a lot of fun and the city was alive today - i think the weather was the reason why.

i am still on the house hunt, but am so sure that i want to be in the inner inner city - it's so good being in the middle of the energy. fingers crossed that this will be the week that i get rooted so to speak - as in put down roots into a more permanent place to live.

have a good week everyone.

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