Sunday, 29 March 2015

the what i wear project

I thought it might be a nice thing for me to do a bit of a wrap up of my week - really it's a wrap up of what i wore, because i'd love to think that maybe there is something that i wear and share that may inspire someone to think differently about how they style an outfit or even decide to wear a look that they may not necessarily think works.

Inspirational is how i have been referred to for some aspects of my life and i used to cringe at the thought of having public compliments, but not anymore, i accept them graciously, and feel happy that maybe something i have done or am doing makes a difference to someone else's life - in a positive way.

Not only do i share my fashion, but i have been blogging my way through a book called Don't sweat the small stuff and this project came about at a time when a great amount of turmoil started occurring in my life and it seemed like a way to help me get through it and it's not only helped me, but others as well.

I was really surprised this week when somebody messaged me and complimented me on my style and told me that they were taking more risks, adding more colour and suggested we go shopping.  I was blown away.

So, my plan is every sunday to do a quick share (wrap up) of what i wore, which may be pieces from our huudaverti label, pieces i just made ad hoc or items that i pick up along the way.  I am a lover of wearing things over and over so don't be surprised if items pop up more than once - in a different incarnation of course.  So here goes......
well monday rolled around and i put on a tube skirt.  There's a blog coming about said tube skirt, cause it wasn't something that i was comfortable in, or so i thought.
i  wore huudaverti animal print tube skirt, teamed with black top from temt (really really old) and a floral over overshirt i made (also a few years old) teamed with a sequin belt, shoes from betts and earrings from fiji.
tuesday saw me donning another tube skirt.  white top or black top, white or black - it went on for ages and eventually the white top won the battle.

i wore skirt from best and less on sale for 10 bucks, tshirt from target, shoes from whittner and necklace gifted from a friend.  this look was a little out of my comfort zone - well the white top and shoes were, but i went with it.
hump day. i love the tree of life store - have loved it for so long as i really connect with some of their stuff, not all, but a lot of it. in the 70's when i was a teenager - crikey doesn't that sound wild - i had an original indian wrap around skirt and i have a photo of me wearing it but do you think i can find it.....NO!  i was on stradbroke island with my sisters and i know i shared it on facey, but i can't find it.  grrrr.

so i had tooed and froed with the indian skirt but was inspired to get one after the aussie curves post challenge about inspiration. I didn't think it would compliment me, but it did and it got complimented all day long.  it just required some simple styling, cause the skirt really did most of the work.

i wore skirt from tree of life, top from target, shoes from novo and earrings from dissh.
thursday - i was busting to wear this combo that was a look that we showed at the curvy couture roadshow.  it was fun, it was comfy and when people saw it on me at work, they were loving it. expect the unexpected.

i wore top and skirt from huudaverti, belt gifted to me, shoes from whittner.
TFIF - thank F it's friday and i decided to whip out the tie dye jeans i made and make it a little more formal for work.  and i was really happy with this look.  again unexpected, yet suitable.

i wore jeans from target tie dyed by me, dress/top made by me, love necklace from target or tarjayyyyy if you are feeling posh.
finally it was the weekend and it's then i can relax and put on whatever i like.

my weekend ritual/routine is going to the west end markets and this week i decided to frock up.  i had a lunch date with girlfriends at the spaghetti house southbank as well and felt it necessary to really frock up.

i wore assym dress from huudaverti, sandals from jo mercer and then gold dress and earrings from huudaverti, shoes from whittner. i need to make a mention of the earrings. at the curvy couture market, i was talking to nick holliday -yes, tess holliday's partner, and he had nice things to say about these earring, so of course a pair went in the goodie bag we gave her.
and finally it's sunday and it's still hot here in brissy, so i whipped on  a comfy kaftan for my morning outing.
i wore kaftan purchased in fiji, giant gold hoops from lovissa and shoes from nine west.

my weekend was topped off with an invitation from my son to have scones. i will never say no to making or eating them.
the day didn't quite stop there, because i decided that i needed a haircut.  he isn't a hairdresser but what can possibly go wrong with a pair of scissors and a couple of elastic bands.  well, i will wait and see tomorrow, after i open my wardrobe door and begin the "what will i wear today" pose and the "i can't do anything with my hair today" craziness following the much needed hair washing and either relief or horror as to what the cut looks like.  

have a great week and i am not wishing my life away, but i can't wait to see what makes its way out of the wardrobe and onto my body this week.


  1. As I said on Facebook, love your style and all the colours. Do you ever find you go through colour phases? Being obsessed about a certain colour? I know I do, for a while it felt like everything in my wardrobe was hot pink. I love the tie dyed jeans with the tunic top/dress, they're all great looks, but I think that is my fav. :)

  2. Hi there - i tend to not have a phase as such apart from hot pink as well, which has been a staple and my preferred option for everything - phone cover, water bottle, lipsticks, clothes since about 1999. I do also love black. Those jeans were so easy to do, i wasn't expecting them to be that orange colour, but given they were black to start with made sense...dare you to make a pair!
