Monday, 26 January 2015

DSTSS - onward, with the rest of the book and life in general

i was really inspired by a colleague at work last week who shared a time in his life, where he wasn't able to go home from work till every piece of paper was gone from his in tray, would get home then work till late into the evening and eventually this pace caught up with him. he was sweating the small stuff and the result of this saw him burn out.  he said he had read don't sweat the small stuff - there is a man's version apparently and it helped him - he changed and he shared the book with others, in the hope of inspiring change.  being able to have the self realisation that change needs to happen and is possible can be a very powerful thing.

i could totally relate.  the impact of letting things get bigger then they need to be is so apparent - not only in my life, but in other people's journeys as well and being aware of our actions and choices in our day to day makes such a difference to ourself and those around us.

my blog title about going onward not only with making my way through don't sweat the small stuff, but with life in general really cements to me the importance of making the most of our time on this planet and sharing it with the people we love and by doing things that make us happy - who doesn't love to be around someone that oozes happiness and brings joy - i know i do and the tidal flow from that makes my endorphin's buzz.
the pressure is off at present, in relation to events of the past few months - the relationship change, the lessening impact of the storm and david's ill health, which is now on the steady, giving me an opportunity to work towards having some down time and catch up on some stuff.  the house is still for sale, but i am grateful to have a roof over my head, a great job, my health and activities that i love to do that satisfy my soul.

for the last three weeks, i have done up to 3 hospital visits a day, all while still maintaining my full time job, keeping things going at home and dedicating what little bit of spare time i had to huudaverti - i came after all that stuff.  it's not healthy or possible to maintain that level of intensity, but i guess the adrenalin and the need to keep going enables us to find the energy to do so and it's amazing what a few good night's sleep will do to rejuvenate, once you get the chance.

through david's hospital journey, it became even more apparent as to how our life is not bubble wrapped and at any time an event could occur that could impact you and your loved ones immensely. we saw it all in hospital and none of it was pretty.

don't they say - be the change you want to see in the world...... i know i made change and i am still making change, cause i want to keep on my journey of feeling peace and harmony in my life and being an even better person to be around.

i have been making time to fit in a thai massage each week and today was the one that made me think about what i need to do to perhaps de-stress (change) a little more - my mind doesn't feel stressed, but my body was telling me otherwise and i need to listen to that.

So what do i plan to do - well i will keep going for my weekly massage, i will do things i love to do, i shall think about what i can do to make a a difference - whether it be more listening to my relaxation tape (the one i shall take to the afterlife) more swimming, running, boxing, yoga - the physical stuff is just as important as the mental stuff - and all of that stuff that i plan on doing means i am going to be busy, which means i will probably need to find more ways to relax.....
.......maybe i will need to follow the advice of the photo below which was at my massage place today.  i think i will start with the 20 and see how that goes.

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