Wednesday, 14 January 2015

aussie curves challenge - swimwear

i love the water - but i didn't always love the water.  it scared me, especially the beach but once i learnt to really swim, i couldn't stay away - from any water. i became a swimmer, i would rise early and ride my bike to swimming training; morning, afternoon, summer, winter, i was always there, swimming, swimming, swimming. i certainly went through my fair share of swimmers.  generally speedos, matched with goggles, a bathing cap and a bottle of much needed talc.

one of my great memories were of beach holidays at scott's head, near where we were born in new south wales.  my sister and i had surf mats and would spend hours in the water just catching waves. this was the 70's and i don't recall seeing a body board anywhere.

i still love beach holidays and have camped for the last 2 years at broken head over christmas.  in regards to swimwear, it's been pretty much about having something that felt good, gave the support i needed, while being somewhat fashionable.  it needed to withstand suncreen, sand and water day after day.
this year, was no exception, till my nephews arrived and as they are full of energy and require water supervision, i needed to get some practicality happening.

the kids just wanted to be in the water all the time on their body boards and quite frankly, i wasn't going to stand on the water's edge and supervise, i was going in to join the fun, but after a couple of goes on the body board, i knew i need to a surf mat. wow did the childhood memories start my endorphins flowing and on my next trip to byron, i picked one up.

the beach was no longer about sitting and reading a book, it was about being in the water, with the kids and pretending i was 10 again, not 48, so sensible swimwear was the go, as this was an all day affair.
i did need to upgrade my rashie, as i was getting one from the surfmat, but when you think you are 10, you just keep going till you can't go any more.
for me, buying swimwear is like buying bras - it's necessary, but can be such a pain, but i'd rather not go without either, same goes for sunscreen.

boardies - Big W (blokes ones)
rashies - both from byron bay
actual swimmer - target

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