Saturday, 1 November 2014


48. Remember that everything has god's fingerprints on it

I've been so flat out at work and building a new website for huudaverti, that my little blog has been feeling a bit neglected. But my passion for getting to the end of don't sweat the small stuff is still strong and i am sneaking a quick write in, under the radar, before i get on with my crazy day. Anyway, heres chapter 48.

Far out - don't even know where to start when it comes to god, except to say that i am not a believer in any religious denomination.  I am not even an atheist, cause to me that denotes some kind of following, so i elect to just living my life in a way that's right for me and those around me.

My nana was quite religious, she followed the Christian Scientists (man, have they got a wikipedia entry) and although she didn't seem to go to church - in fact i know she didn't go to church, cause sunday mornings were when we were shuffled off to sunday school so she could do who the hell knows what.  She read a lot of their stuff and when we would talk about god - i recall she didn't really have a firm attachment to the god that most of have been attached to, (even though she was religious), but for her god translated to good - regardless of what your religion was.  She would always find the good, no matter how bad something was.  I liked her philosophy.

So this chapter is along those lines.  It's amazing how we can all feel happy and see the good in all the good stuff in our life, but when those religious offerings hit the fan, we can't seem to find any good in the bad stuff that is happening.  Does it really have anything to do with god?

With all the crap that has been happening over the year with our house, i have always tried to find something positive and be grateful for what i have in this moment - i have a great job, my health, love, food, family friends, happiness, enough to share with others who need it as well - not sure how all this relates back to everything having god's fingerprints on it, but i think that looking at the glass half full, not empty, or finding the silver lining, or any of those other spectacular metaphors may be what's meant.  Finding a way to get a wider perspective of life situations does start to change your thinking.

Note to self:  keep looking for the good, the positive and the stuff that helps bring peace and happiness to you and others. For me, god's not responsible for any of this. I am and it's what i choose to see in every situation that paves my way. I think kermit agrees!

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