Monday, 6 August 2012

mmmmm jam drops

well, finally a recipe share.  jam drops, the biscuit of choice for the morning tea delivery at the hospital yesterday.  they are super easy and super tasty

you need:
2 cups self raising flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup coconut
200g butter - melted
1/2 cup milk
turn the oven on to about 170 degrees

mix all the dry stuff together
add all the other stuff......except for the jam
mix it all together till you get a mixture that is crumbly - not too crumbly or they will fall apart and not to firm, or they will be jam plops, not drops. 
you can add a little extra milk if there's more moisture needed
make sure you have a lined baking tray and when the mixture is ready,  whack you hand in an grab enough to make a little ball.  forget the using a spoon business, cause that's for sissys.
once you have the little ball, place it on the tray and gently push your thumb in the top to make a place for the jam.  they won't spread too much, so they can be placed somewhat close together.
when you have a tray done, grab a teaspoon and put some jam in the little hole on the top.
bake them for about 15 minutes till they look all cooked and yummy
now there's two very important things to take into consideration next.
1. if you are tempted to touch the jam on the top of the biscuit, then think again, cause it get's fucking hot and you will them want to put your finger in your mouth which then burns your tongue.
2. it may also be a good time to plan an exit strategy, cause the aftermath it not pretty.

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