Thursday, 16 August 2012

ekka smekka

grateful to have a mid week holiday yesterday but there was not a dodgem car or dagwood dog in sight,  or even an inkling to spend my day amongst the masses. instead dave and i ventured to inala, to check out the vegetarian options on offer.  i am so impressed with my husband, that as a devout carnivore, he is open to the vegetarian option and i don't think it's because he wants to please me, but because it's genuinely tasty.  and inala didn't disappoint apart from the vegetarian grocer being closed, but we got to have a little feast at this place, run by a buddhist nun.
oh it's tiny, 6 tables at the most, but oh so worth it.
i was happy happy happy and we ordered what the guy said was the most popular dish on the menu.  vermicelli with basil and lemon grass. who wouldn't love that.....and then it arrived!  looked like a lot of basil, cabbage and sprouts to me, but i like to keep and open mind. 
and then it came, the accompaniment to the condiment. faux  meat soup.  oh my god tasty times.
not content with missing anything from their very small menu, we ordered spring rolls, pork wraps and rice with pork.  none of which disappointed, apart from the fact that we couldn't eat it all.
a moment of contemplation was in order
 and in finishing a serve of complimentary pear delivered by the lady herself
so, for 46 bucks, we got a whole lot of lunch and some takeaway items from the table behind
onward to the blue wall

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