Monday, 2 April 2012

the flash colour case

whilst taking a shopping day in new, york my younger sister and i stopped in for a quick visit to sephora - the make up mecca mega store.

miss chrissy, felt as though the shopping trip to the make up mecca mega store, was more deserving of someone who shared my passion for all this make-uppy.

nonsense, i thought she will get the hang of it and sure enough after what was probably 2 hours, we had tested, tried, painted, removed makeup, smelt, tested again, removed more make up and she was loving it.

we stopped at nearly every little make up stand in the store, and we came across this little number and after much insistence from my sister, i put in my shopping basket, after trying out the creamy dreamy turquoise colour and declaring grand love for this little prize - lips, eyes, cheek
this crazy palette, has a colour to go with everything, including the delicious green frock i whipped up over the weekend which is adorned with a stunning necklace chosen and purchased by dave.

thanks younger wiser sister.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lady you're looking so stunning and beautiful..I'm totally stunned by your beauty.That flash color case is really fulfilling its condition.Thanks for sharing.
