Saturday, 3 December 2011

party + party = a big day

today is my work christmas party and that has means one thing - sparkles and lots of them. in my last job, i didn't go to the christmas party cause it was at a steakhouse, and a steakhouse is a vegetarians best friend - NOT!
but before i get to my work party, i have to accompany my husband to his.
2 parties, at 2 fabulous places with my husband who has coordinated his outfits - so we both look fabulous
so by the end of the today i will have eaten 6 courses, a glass of wine, or two, had 2 outfit changes, attempt at one nana nap between events, a couple of coffees to keep me going. oh and don't forget a load of washing or two, taming unruly hair, write a blog about nothing and finish my frock for tonight.  it's 99% there, but the 1% that's not, could mean the difference between the dress holding together, or falling apart as i indulge in some daggy dancing - it better not fall apart during the chicken dance, or the nutbush, cause that would be embarassing.
time to get my sparkle on
with one pair of shoes adorned by moi
a slithery accessory
and a whole lot of sequins

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