Wednesday, 9 November 2011


welcome to my new look blog. DA DA

it was about the end of july when i posted about getting my dot com and you can read all about that at

it's taken me so long to get it sorted, but finally after much tooing and froing between wordpress trials and disaster, i have gone with this blogging mob

i can't believe it would be so hard to get it organised, but alas my journey into html coding (if that's what it's called) was short, but not very sweet and i did a couple of test posts and a lot of fiddling, cause who doesn't like a fiddle and here i am.

my last post was in september, when i finished my year long photo a day journey and now, i have nothing, literally nothing, but the opportunity to wing it and blog about whatever takes my fancy.

So what better time to start blogging and support the MOVEMBER cause, when a lot of folically challenged guys try their hardest to grow something above their top lip

People used to be inspired by this man, the marlborough man -He was the Most Influential Man Who Never Lived.

but all that smoking and influencing has obviously caught up with them and now we need a worthy fund to help the guys.

So i am going to capture my husband's mo this month, cause it's going to be a corker and feel free to donate at

David - sporting the trucker mo, worn by serial killers and gangland members - neither of which is he.

1 comment:

  1. Dave Chopper Swords…certain ring to it…He is a scouser, how can you say he isn't a serial killer or a gangland member…he has to be at least on of them…Chop chop
