Sunday, 25 June 2017

DSTSS - the original is not always the best

Chapter 71 - 80 of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. The interlude.

After each ten chapters of my Don't sweat the small stuff project I do a reflection post and I feel like I have a great deal to reflect on. Believe it or not, for those who have followed this writing project, i did chapter 71 way back in 2015 after I had settled in Melbourne, so it's been a long fun and windy road to get to chapter 80.  An interlude indeed. And for those who are new to following my writing journey, i have been blogging my way through the 100 chapters of this simple but effective book and putting my own slant on its teachings to remind me of the importance of keeping perspective in our day to day living.

As I sit writing today, I am feeling a whole range of things. I'm excited about the things i have achieved over the past 2 years and where my life is heading and i have come to realise the many things i have to offer others, to encourage and inspire them to live with a different way of thinking.  I'm always reminded about the relevance of why I started this writing journey and how it fits into my life still and how the practices continue to keep me grounded even in those moments where I have felt overwhelmed.  I have had time to recharge, to reconnect and nourish my soul and spirit and go on a journey that i feel has really served me well.  I have rethought a lot of things i would do and let go of the ones that haven't given me the outcomes i had hoped for.

I am out of my comfort zone as i watch my son make his way on his journey. I would love to be able to sprinkle janergy sparkles everywhere and make everything better for everyone, but that's not how life works.  We can advise, guide, support, encourage but ultimately we can't take charge of someone elses life, so we need to arm ourself with the right tools to be able to cope with the challenges that come our way including those that others may be going through. 

I've not once thought about stopping this journey, but once i have finished, i am going to self publish all my posts into a book - I'd love a solid reminder of the strength i have to be able to deal with anything and how it eventually bought me to the happiness I am feeling today.  And maybe others might find it useful to help them through trying times.

Note to self: When we dare to look at life through a variety of lenses, the same thing can look so different. The main image may be the same, but we have an opportunity to see that picture in a variety of ways that could look even better than what the original is and that's how I live my life. i want to see the best version of an image, even if it means that i have to change the original in some way to make it possible.  Life is always going to present its challenges, but give them a different filter and don't be surprised if you thought the original was good, but the enhanced version is even better.

My photo at the top is one i took at a photography class and the filtered version is so much more beautiful than the original and i am going to give this picture a place in my home to remind me of how lucky i am to be living in this beautiful city and to be able to make change for the better in my life.

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